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Smart Square HMH: Everything you Need To Know About Hackensack meridian smart Square Login


Smart square hmh is revolutionizing the industry of healthcare with its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features. This platform is designed to help all the healthcare institutes like nurses, doctors and lab technicians. Read the article to know more about smart square and why it is important for healthcare service providers.

In recent years the healthcare sector received a major development but the time management for the same remains backward. We need a boost in the efficient management of time. Smart square was developed to manage the time, duty hours, shifts, communication, staff optimization, and so on for the healthcare service providers.

Smart square HMH overview:-

Hackensack Meridian’s smart square is a specialized workforce management system on the portal of a website built to meet the unique demand of the healthcare system. The importance of such websites is increasing due to rapid expansion of the healthcare industry where the time management is getting more and more difficult. 

Smart square provides a large number of tools and functions especially built for the healthcare staff including scheduling, communication capabilities, and reporting features. These all features work together to create a highly efficient management system and reduce the labor expenses.

Features of Smart square HMH

There are lots of feature of Hackensack Meridian smart square some are listed below :-

  • Effortless scheduling-  This function of HMH specifies the complex task of staff scheduling by taking different factors into account and ensures a well organized workforce.
  • Real-time staffing update- Users can stay connected with the instantaneous notifications regarding any unexpected changes in their schedule. 
  • Mobile accessibility- This enhanced feature enables the user to stay connected and informed even when they are not present at their workstation. 
  • Convenient access of medical record- It is totally secure for the patients to access their medical record, appointments, results and medical list all through a user-friendly portal.
  • Efficient information management for healthcare professionals- It allows for streamlined management patients appointment and information and reduces the problem of miscommunication and error.

How to login to smart square hmh?

Hackensack meridian smart Square Login

To login with Hackensack Meridian’s Smart square hmh there are some steps followed:-

1)Open any web browser on your device.

2)On the search option type “Smart Square” and enter.

3)Find the official website containing Smart Square hmh login window. When you click on it a new page will appear, containing a space in which you can input your login info.

4)Enter the required details which generally  include username and password and then click on the login button to proceed further.

5)Sometimes an additional step other than login credentials, you might be asked to complete one more step which is answering a security question so you need to answer that to proceed.

How to use Smart square HMH?

Hackensack Meridian Smart square HMH offers a wide range of essential tool serving a specific purpose:-

Dashboard:- As soon as you login through smart square HMH you will land on your dashboard. This dashboard will provide you the overview of the shift and schedule(if any).

Setting:- If you want to change your personal information so you can change it through setting.

Messaging center:- Messaging center is where all your messages are shown. You can send a message from that section.

Schedule:– By clicking on the schedule section you can see your work schedule.This feature helps you to know about your shift and schedule planning.

Reports:-  The report section contains a range of analytical tools and reports. Here you can find information such as overtime hours, shift coverage, metrics and labor expense ,etc.

Why to choose smart square HMH?

Smart square is currently serving around 4000 organization worldwide and this large spread adoption is driven by several compelling reasons:

1)Streamlined scheduling automation– Healthcare institution benefits from the autonation of the of the scheduling process.

2)Intelligent algorithms– Smart squares use the intelligent algorithm to check the availability of the current requirement.

3)Error reduction– These algorithms work accurately and reduce the errors to a large extent.

4)Secure communication– This platform ensures a secure and effective real-time communication feature in order to address issues directly and connect with mail or texts.

5)Enhanced efficiency-  The robust features have proven better efficiency, cost-cutting and better patient care among others.


Smart square HMH, powered by a healthcare management system(HMS) offers benefits to both employer and employee; everyone can check the schedule and work within it. This cloud based portal is helpful in making workforce time management. In other words this platform will do everything like management, schedule and conversation for every worker.

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